Foundation of silos
Foundation design is directly related to the strength or mechanics of the soil of the areaIt is necessary to use a silo foundation to strengthen the silos as well as to prevent natural hazards and forces.Silo foundation neutralizes spaces caused by landslips, landslides, or earthquakes.
Foundation design is directly related to the strength or mechanics of the soil of the area. It is required to conduct soil strength testing for the construction of silos with a capacity of more than 1000 tons because all safety issues are considered during the design. And a lighter foundation is considered in areas that have more strength, and if the project soil is soft, the consolidation of the substrate, micropile, or piling is conducted.
It should be mentioned that the silos foundation of Tajhizavaran Industrial Group is generally classified into three categories, including small silos (head hall), cone bottom silos (capacity 2 to 100 tons), and silos above 100 tons in the flat bottom and cone bottom ones. Air conditioning nets are used to aerate the grains in the foundation of flat bottom silos.